Acquire, Penetrate, Retain (APR) as a Growth Formula

If you look at growth as a process, and organize around critical activities, (Acquire, Penetrate, Retain -- APR) you can make it easier for your company to plan, control, and communicate about growth.
Acquiring new customers is a result of the effectiveness of several sub-tasks.
Brand building, advertising, distribution, and sales practices must align to maximize the inflow of new customers. Each shouldn't be treated as a separate task; instead it should be part of an integrated whole.
Increasing your sales Penetration will get your unfair share of your customers' spending.
Whether it is the wallet share of a consumer or the supplier spend of a business, position your company to expand your share of their needs. Farm your customer.
Retaining customers lessens the pain of acquiring customers
Look at how expensive it is to book new business. You get a bigger benefit by keeping your customers in the fold. Retention will sustain your growth.
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