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A customer is a purchaser of your goods or services. They buy what you are selling. They can have distinctive traits that allow you to organize them into groups. They can be loyal or short term, every nationality, ethnicity, religion, age, occupation, income level or gender. Mostly, their role is to pay the bills so it’s a good idea to know as much about your customers as you can.

How do you find them?

21st Century desktop tools are extremely powerful and you should build a strong fluency in them. Personal relationships can create a terrific head start on your sales but it’s essential to create more than one air hose. Utilizing databases and social networking offer the amazing possibilities of reaching anyone, anywhere in the world. The end delivery of your pitch may be face to face but digital tools can offer tremendous efficiencies for your treasure hunt.

What do they have in common?

Individual customization can be expensive and risky. Targeting groups expands your opportunity set and spreads your risk. The key is to know which attributes or characteristics they have in common so that you can them group and target them efficiently.

How do they like to buy products?

Do yourself a favor and make it easier to build revenues by understanding how your customer likes to purchase products. Are they happy with an online experience? Do they need on-line plus a consult? Is it strictly face to face? How customers buy your goods will have an important effect on your sales costs and scalability. Test as many alternatives as you can and pick the solutions that are the most efficient.

Start-ups need customers to buy things (sales) to survive. It’s essential that you have a good grasp on the fundamentals of your customers.

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